KBK Offices
Present Engineering office of KBK at Pirangut, Tah-Mulshi, Pune, India .This office is conceptualized as a design hub for providing engineering
services across the globe to all KBK patrons.
This is multi stored Office for all business departments like Design & Engineering,
Marketing & Finance, Purchase and commercial and IT etc.
KBK Workshops
KBK has modernized workshops with a cumulative capacity of 300 tons Stainless steel fabrication per month. The landscaped workshop is located at Pirangut Pune equipped with state of the art manual and automatic machines for MS, SS, & Copper fabrication.
It provides facility for fabrication & dispatch of approx.. 6 to 8 turnkey
distillery/Ethanol projects per year. The workshop with ASME U Stamping National
Board's R & NB Stamping has chartered HSBCT as it’s 3rd party quality conformance
The fabrication for South East Asia’s largest plant has been done in this KBK
workshop. It has handled approx 300 tons of steel fabrication in 30 days, which is
record in its field.
R & D Centre
KBK with its focus on innovation & applied
concepts is involved in research of futuristic technologies. R & D facility located
at western India is focused on developing alternative feed stocks, energy
integration & process improvements.
Fundamental research for increasing yields from feed-stocks like sweet sorghum,
cassava, & Beet root is currently underway.
KBK parent company, Shree Renuka Sugars Limited has 720 KLPD capacity Distillery in Northern part of Karnataka. Research &Development will be conducted on commercial Scale which will help the industry in determining process kinetics for each unit processes like Fermentation, Distillation, Dehydration & Evaporation.