KBK with its focus on innovation & applied concepts is involved in research of futuristic technologies. R &D facility located at western India, Pune is focused on developing alternative feed stocks, energy integration & process improvements.
Fundamental research for increasing yields from feed-stocks like sweet sorghum, cassava, & Beet root is Currently underway.
Pilot plant and research facility
KBK from its inception days has believed in it’s strengths in application engineering. To exploit this virtue better, KBK is building a full-fledged application oriented R & D facility operational in the financial year 2007-2008. This facility will be much more modern and futuristic as compared to the existing set-up which focuses more on alternate process schemes and heat integration.
The new research facility will focus more on futuristic technologies; alternate
feed-stocks etc while the development will focus mainly on applied engineering,
alternative process configurations, steam and power economies etc.
KBK parent company, Shree Renuka Sugars Limited has 720 KLPD capacity Distillery in Northern part of Karnataka. Research & Development will be conducted on commercial Scale which will help the industry in determining process kinetics for each unit processes like Fermentation, Distillation, Dehydration& Evaporation